Anyone else day dreaming of Beetlejuice and pumpkin patches even though it’s been August for like five seconds? I’m not sure why but as I get older there is just something about fall and the holidays that makes my soul sing. I’ve basically left the “forever summer” mentality a long time ago. Almost like — good riddance summer? *nervous laugh* BUT. I’m also V pregnant. And crisp air with frost on the ground sounds like an absolute gift from the heavens right now. Regardless of my reasons why, I’ve already mentally switched gears in my wardrobe and I’m ready to wear ALL the sweaters... as of immediately. Every one of them. At the same time.
I recently received two of my now favorite sweaters from Pink Blush -- one in olive and one in beige! I’m still swooning over them. I love the way they hug the bump and they’re so comfy + I feel that they will work perfect post baby with just a pair of leggings! BONUS! I posted more photos of both below if you'd like to see the fit of them a little bit better! Snag them now for fall so we can twin together! *no pressure* xx Katie
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